Khamis, 15 Disember 2011


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assalamualaikum and hye to all

kenapa tajuk aqu pasal hlovate ? haa . meh sini dekat sikit . nak bisik . *sebenar nya aqu dapat dengar lagu dye . hoooorahh . seronok sangat . bile search at google lagu hlovate adew . aqu pown apew lagi stert amik dye punyer link and masuk aen dalam blog aqu . yang 2 lagu uh pown dari novel hlovate jugak . tapi aqu suke ngan lagu hlovate nieyh . waargghh sudah jatuh cinte larh dengan ini lagu .

you wonder
is it an angel or yet
maybe a sweet dream that you can't forget
so close yet far-fetched
cousing you to float on the line 
between reality and fantasy

c/o Haunted the nigtmares
creates the ectasy
hlovate~oh poisonous honey
love and hate 
driving me a crazy

the poisonous ivy of venus
killing with venom so sweet
you're losing your head
don't want it yet it keep haunting
losing yourself in the suffocating mist

the blind arrows of
piercing cold ice and
warm melting heart
tearing me apart

--------> kalo korang hayati betul2 lagu nieyh . sedih gyle . aqu ta ingat larh time bile lagu nieyh di nyanyi kan . kalo ta silap aqu dekat tunas lagi . okeyh larh kalo korang nak tengok blog hlovate . pegi dekat sini hlovate

done wassalam .

terima kasih sudi bace !

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